Saturday, September 24, 2011

If you like to fold laundry, come fold mine!

I find myself so tired today.  So sad on a Saturday night that I'm fighting to keep my eyes open long enough to take my bread out of the bread machine in 40 minutes.  I think I'm probably getting enough sleep, but my home is stressing me a bit.  I have about three loads of laundry to catch up on and I need to grocery shop tomorrow as we are out of most things.

Saturday night always yields some sort of temptation for me. There is usually always one dish (or two) on my weekly menu that ideally I want my family to eat.  Somehow, days of the week go by, and none of them feel like the right day to do the amount of work said recipe calls for.  Saving a laborious recipe for the end of the week on a night when it's a girl's night just ain't gonna happen.  There's just not a whole lot of reward making a dish like that for a toddler.  My youngest had a questionnaire last week for her preschool.  I filled out each answer for her one by one. "Sweetie, what is your least favorite thing that you can think of?"  She said without hesitation, "dinner".  I feel a lot of pressure to change this but the fact is it's mostly due to how she eats.  80% of what she eats is from 6:30am to 11:30am.  Even if I made mac and cheese or pizza for dinner, she probably wouldn't touch it.

Laundry is another story.  I'd have way more success if I just outsourced and paid someone to fold for me, but that wouldn't be very thrifty... I have about three loads of clean laundry across the room staring at me right now.  I can't stand for the clothes not to be folded, but at the same time the last thing I like to do after a long day of chasing kiddos is fold.  I think if one can get on top of their laundry, they are quite possibly on top of the world.  I also need to find a way not to hoard children's art...I have quite the collection and the amount that I've convinced myself I will someday have framed and properly displayed is a little ridiculous, but atlas, I'm really a minimalist in 95% of cases, and, me here!  I think an important part of saving money and dining in is loving your home and giving it love.  Tomorrow I will organize my pantry, grocery shop, fold clothes, declutter and I'm fairly sure I won't be tired.  Maybe I'll even frame some art...!

Finally, I'm humbled by homemaking and dining in.  This comes so naturally for some, and I'm learning. I used to think I was so disciplined and now I realize how spoiled I really am.  I'm sure that many of you out there are pros at saving, cooking and cleaning in comparison with me, but I'm thankful to be on this journey.  Right now, the children are sleeping (dogs too!), the kitchen is clean and the house smells like fresh bread.  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Any mom who brings enough peanut butter and jam sandwiches (on home baked bread, with home made jam) to the park for her kids and mine is already on top of the world in my book. Remember, for all those people you look up to, there are always quite a few who are looking up to you! xoxo
