Monday, September 5, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh My!

Driving through Albany to my folks house today and guess what I saw?  $2 Root Beer Floats at A&W...Nutter Butter Blizzard at DQ...$1.50 Iced Mochas (local coffee shop) and the list goes on.  Seriously?  Never tried a Nutter Butter blizzard, and you can be sure as heck that I want to!  Not that I'm helping anyone here.  I never even typically notice treats like this, but everywhere I went it was hitting me like a sucker punch.  Something tells me this will be easier in a few months...


  1. Just like a junkie looking for his next fix? Yikes!

  2. LOL! Usually my fix comes in the form of Dutch Brothers, but it's funny the things that pop into your head when you make a cold turkey resolution on going out. On the plus side, I'm so thoroughly exciting to start baking again. Expect to see more challah bread once again. :)
