Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just Starting

Now and then I ask my husband how much we have in savings.  We have a modest savings, and whenever I ask about it, the amount never seems to change.  We have saved some, but we aren't actively saving.  But how could that be?  We are so frugal.  I hardly ever shop for clothes or shoes, I use coupons for soaps and toiletries, we grocery shop at WinCo for the most part, and we don't have expensive furniture.  "Why aren't we saving?  What can I do?" I asked my husband one day.  As the person in the family currently not earning an income, I tend to carry some guilt regarding our finances.  I'm a mom...pretty much I carry guilt about EVERYTHING.  He said, "Check our tab for dining out.  If you really want to save money, that's the place."  I'm not sure I really believed him, I mean, we aren't exactly big livers.  Last Thursday, I sat down at our computer and opened up Microsoft Money.  I tallied up one month worth of going out and shook my head.  Had to be a fluke.  I tallied up the month before.  Then the month before.  I really don't think of us as eating out that much, but we were averaging close to $350 a month.  Sometimes it was more, sometimes it was less.  I didn't feel very frugal.  At least I saw an opportunity and I was going to start immediately.  I started with my birthday which was yesterday.  Okay, so maybe not the best idea.  I would have much rather gone out for Sushi than make dinner.  One thing I found in my monthly totals is there is always something to justify the biggest out to eat expense, and I was determined to start September on a good note.  I ran out of ingredients for dinner and was tied up till mid afternoon.  Fortunately my hubby came home early and I didn't have to drag two overtired kiddos with me.  I did, however, still get stuck in a mess of Labor Day/Friday night traffic.  Oh well, a quiet car can be a birthday present all in itself.  I made spaghetti with marinara sauce and salad.  (brown rice noodles in bulk for me)  Sounds boring, and it was.  But that's what happens when you have very little time and no energy to work with.  I did, however, pick up some candy bar ice cream to indulge in for my birthday.  I had two bowls, thank you.  And in case you're worried that my celebration was good enough, my hubby bought me a beautiful OSU jacket and my kids got me two Beatles cds.  One of my friends took us to lunch.  It was a *very* good day.

I have the next two days better planned.  I plan on blogging this journey, because without accountability, I'm not sure I can do this.  I do plan on going out to eat for date nights once every one or two months.  I also plan on going out more than that, just not for meals.  I know I will need to make a habit of making freezer meals for sick days.  Today, my hubby went to work on our rental, and typically by the weekend he has to pick up something to eat while he's out for the day.  This time I had a water bottle, generous snack and sandwich waiting for him to take.  I was probably a bit too excited about completing such a simple and normal task.  Maybe peanut butter and jelly doesn't earn me a speech, but I'll take what I can get.  This isn't the blog of how to do or be perfect, just me learning to be a better me.  Now off to organize my fridge and pantry.


  1. I am right there with you. When I manage to make JJ's lunch I feel all house-wifey and domestic. In a good way! Kudos on the new blog - I'll be right there with you! (Taking notes, ha ha ha)

  2. When Teri & I went all in on our diet earlier this year, we avoided eating out for months. The positive impact on our savings was immediate and substantial. It turned out to be a twofer, or really a threefer: we lost weight, we ate healthier, and we saved money.

    It helped that we stopped thinking about food as entertainment, even the stuff we were making at home. We had to accept the fact that sometimes food is just fuel. Of course that isn't always practical with critters that are Elaina's and Norah's ages, and we sometimes cooked something different for Chase just so she'd have something palatable. It was a minor PITA, but worth it.

  3. Amen sister! It is difficult not to go out to eat, especially when it feels more convenient than cooking - I fall into this trap all the time. Best of luck with your new journey, I hope you see progress real soon :)
